Korea-Russia Friendship Association “Private Exchange in Sports and Culture Should Continue”

SEOUL (Yonhap) By Lee Dae-ho – The Korea-Russia Friendship Association has agreed that civilian-level exchanges between the two countries should continue despite the current international 토토사이트 situation.The Korea-Russia Friendship Association held a luncheon meeting at Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul, on March 28 and decided to join forces to continue exchanges in sports and culture.The event was attended by CJ Group Chairman Son Kyung-sik, who serves as the chairman of the Korea-Russia Friendship Association, new mbassador to Russia Lee Do-hoon, Korea-Russia Friendship Association Chairman Jung Tae-ik, RH Focus Chairman Kim Soo-un, and World Professional Sambo Federation President Moon Jong-geum.Lee, a career diplomat, served as foreign affairs secretary in the Cheong Wa Dae presidential office under Park Geun-hye before being promoted to head the Korean Peninsula peace talks under Moon Jae-in as the chief representative for North Korea.He then joined the presidential campaign of Yun Suk-yul and served as second vice foreign minister before receiving his appointment as ambassador to Russia on March 26.The new ambassador reportedly arrived in Russia on March 30 after holding a luncheon with the Korea-Russia Friendship Association on March 28.The Korea-Russia Friendship Association said, “Russian companies are very interested in Korea and are 스포츠토토 visiting through trade representatives to invest. In that sense, there is great hope for the future value of the bilateral relationship.”