Korea and Morocco face off for the EOU CupU18 title in Seoul

Korea and Morocco are set to compete for the EOU Cup U18 title in Seoul

South Korea and Morocco go head-to-head as they battle for the title at the inaugural Seoul 2023 EOU Cup U-18 International Youth Soccer Tournament.

The inaugural Seoul EOU Cup U-18 International Youth Football Tournament kicked off on Tuesday with Morocco topping their group. In the first match of the tournament, Vietnam and Morocco went head-to-head, with Morocco scoring four goals in the first half to win by a final score of 5-0. Morocco’s #21 Zabiri Yassir scored a hat trick to showcase their firepower.

In the second game, which kicked off at 19:30, South Korea defeated Ukraine 4-2. The game was a back-and-forth affair with the Koreans taking the early lead and the Ukrainians following suit. In a fiercely contested match, Korea’s sharp scoring ability helped them take the win.

After Day 1 of the tournament, Morocco is in first place with a goal differential of +5, followed by Korea with a goal differential of +2. 먹튀검증토토사이트 The two teams will face off at 19:30 p.m. on Nov. 12 at Mokdong Sports Complex in Seoul. It is considered the de facto final of the tournament.

The name of the tournament, EOU, stands for “EARTH ON US,” which means “Earth and Community. With the slogan “ALL LIFE ON EARTH DEPENDS ON US,” the tournament aims to promote the importance of a sustainable planet through soccer. The World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF, will participate in the tournament to encourage the use of public transportation and reusable containers, and various activities such as environmental donation campaigns will be held on the field.

The Seoul EOU Cup is co-organized by the Seoul Football Association and the Korea Sports Agents Association, co-organized by the Seoul Sports Federation and the Korea Sports Agents Association, and sponsored by Seoul Metropolitan Government, Shinhan Bank, Hyundai Motor Company, Adidas, ECHWai (hy), the Korea Sports Promotion Agency, and Righteous Seoul Hospital, with WWF Korea as a partner.

Tickets for the Seoul EOU Cup will be sold as daily passes for each match day (10th, 12th, 15th) and can be purchased at Interpark.